Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Various types of Vivariums

  • A Vivarium (Latin, literally for "place of life"; plural: vivaria or vivariums) is a usually enclosed area for keeping and raising animals or plants for observation or research. Often, a portion of the ecosystem for a particular species is simulated on a smaller scale, with controls for environmental conditions.
  • A vivarium may be small enough to sit on a desk or table, such as a terrarium or an aquarium, or may be a very large structure, possibly outdoors. Large vivaria, particularly those holding organisms capable of flight, typically include some sort of a dual-door mechanism such as a sally port for entry and exit, so that the outer door can be closed to prevent escape before the inner door is opened.
  • Insectarium, containing insects and arachnids.
    • Formicarium, with species of ants. 
  • Paludarium, simulating a rain forest or swamp environment. It also can be seen as an aquarium interconnected with a terrarium, having both the underwater area as well as the shore.
    • Riparium, a paludarium with circulating current through different-leveled pools with only plants
  • Terrarium, simulating a dry habitat, for instance desert or savannah. A terrarium can also be formed to create a temperate woodland habitat, and even a jungle like habitat. This can be created with pebbles, leaf litter, and soil. By misting the terrarium, a natural water cycle occurs within the environment by condensation forming on the lid causing precipitation. Many kinds of plants are suitable for these habitats, including bromeliads, African Violets and Crassulaceae. Animals commonly held for observation include reptiles, amphibians, insects, spiders, scorpions, and small birds.
Now that we know what various terms means, we can take a look at all our creations past and present...

Paludarium Own by : Home Owner
Size : 2.5’ x 2.5’ x 2.5’ cube tank
Volume : 443.5 litres

US Fissiden

Live Sphagnum Moss

Foam Nest


Terrarium Own by : Home Owner
Size : 24” x 12” x 14”  
Volume : 66.23 litres

Vampire Crab



Paludarium Own by: Home Owner
Size: 4’ x 2’ x 2’  
Volume: 453.07 litres

Misting System by Vivaria Projects

Misting in action

Blue Phase Adult White's Tree frog

In Amplexus


3 Paludarium Own by: Home Owner
Size: 15” x 17” x 24”  
Volume: 100.53 litres

Moss ball


Terrarium Own by: Home Owner
Size: 15” x 15” x 24”  
Volume: 79.83 litres


Zen Bonsai Terrarium Own by: Home Owner
Size: 12” x 12” x 16”  
Volume: 34.06 litres


Paludarium Own by: Home Owner
Size: 36” x 24” x 48”
Volum: 681.21 litres


Paludarium Own by: Home Owner
Size: 6’ x 2’ x 2’
Volume: 679.6 litres

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